A Systemic Review on Nanoparticles

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Damini Mishra, Mohammad Gayoor khan, Umama Yezdani, Divya Sharma,Vinesha Ravi, Shivam Choudghal, D Mukilan

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Published: 23 October 2019 | Article Type :


From the ancient time nanotechnology is widely used for various treatment like cancer based treatment and presently ndds is used for treatment of psoriasis and it play good role in healthcare field nowadays one of the focused area in nanotechnology which is nanoparticles. nanoparticles are at the forefront of the rapidly developing field of nanotechnology with several potential applications in drug delivery, clinical medicine and research as well as in other varied sciences. Due to their unique size-dependent properties, nanoparticles offer the possibility to develop new therapeutics. The ability to incorporate drugs into nanocarriers offers a new prototype in drug delivery that could be used for secondary and tertiary levels of drug targeting. Hence, nanoparticles hold great promise for reaching the goal of controlled and site specific drug delivery and hence have attracted wide attention of researchers. In this review presents a broad treatment of nanoparticles discussing their advantages, limitations and their possible remedies. The different types of nanocarriers which were based on solid lipid like solid lipid nanoparticles, nanostructured lipid carriers, Different production methods which are suitable for large scale production and applications of nanoparticles are described. Appropriate analytical techniques for characterization of nanoparticles like photon correlation spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry are highlighted.

Keywords: nanoparticles (NPs), drug carriers, homogenization, TEM, nanotechnology, novel drug delivery system. 

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How to Cite


Damini Mishra, Mohammad Gayoor khan, Umama Yezdani, Divya Sharma,Vinesha Ravi, Shivam Choudghal, D Mukilan. (2019-10-23). "A Systemic Review on Nanoparticles." *Volume 3*, 4, 4-7